Thursday, February 8, 2024

Review: No Angels Wept by Frank Spinelli

No Angels Wept No Angels Wept by Frank Spinelli
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In "NO ANGELS WEPT," amidst the sprawling, shadowed streets of Los Angeles, the lives of Dr. Angelo Perrotta and a rich tapestry of characters intertwine in a narrative that pulses with tension, emotion, and the relentless pursuit of justice. Among these characters, Rocky Thorn and Wes emerge as pivotal figures, each contributing to the novel's intricate exploration of community, identity, and resilience.

Rocky Thorn, the fiery and astute radio show host, provides a platform that propels the story into the public eye, becoming a catalyst for Angelo's deeper involvement in the case. Rocky's character—sharp, insightful, and unapologetically passionate—serves as a beacon of advocacy and activism, her voice echoing the fears and hopes of a community under siege. Her interactions with Angelo, fraught with both challenge and support, underscore the novel's thematic emphasis on the power of media to shape narratives and drive social change.

Wes, in contrast, is a figure of warmth and complexity, offering Angelo not just professional guidance but emotional sanctuary. Wes's relationship with Angelo unfolds with a nuanced subtlety, marked by moments of vulnerability and an understated tension that speaks volumes of their mutual respect and unspoken attractions. The depiction of their relationship, particularly in scenes that tread into sexually explicit territory, is handled with a rare combination of care and class. These moments, rather than being gratuitous, serve to underscore the themes of intimacy, trust, and the search for connection in a world often marked by isolation and fear.

The plot of "NO ANGELS WEPT" weaves through the darkened corners of Los Angeles and the even darker corners of the human psyche, where motives are murky, and the line between friend and foe is blurred. The narrative's twists—a series of revelations that shed light on the intricate web of relationships, secrets, and lies—propel the reader through a labyrinth of suspense and discovery. The involvement of characters like Rocky and Wes adds layers of complexity to the investigation, highlighting the diverse ways individuals confront and combat the forces of darkness, both within and without.

Editorially, the novel stands as a testament to the power of genre fiction to delve into the depths of societal issues while still delivering a heart-pounding thriller experience. The care with which the author handles themes of violence, sexuality, and identity is commendable, offering a narrative that is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. The explicit scenes, rather than detracting from the story's gravity, add a layer of realism and humanity, portraying sexual intimacy as a facet of the characters' lives that is as nuanced and varied as any other.

In crafting a narrative that is both a gripping mystery and a deep dive into the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community, "NO ANGELS WEPT" achieves a delicate balance. It is a story that resonates with the echoes of real-life tragedies and triumphs, offering not just a window into the lives of its characters but a mirror reflecting the complexities of society itself. The novel's conclusion, without revealing too much, leaves readers both satisfied and contemplative, pondering the nature of justice, the resilience of the human spirit, and the enduring power of love and solidarity in the face of adversity.

In sum, "NO ANGELS WEPT" is a multifaceted gem, blending the thrill of the chase with the depth of a social novel. It is a compelling reminder of the genre's potential to not only entertain but enlighten, challenging readers to look beyond the surface of the narrative and consider the broader implications of the stories we tell about ourselves and each other.

how does the plot end?  what is the climax?
The climax of "NO ANGELS WEPT" crescendos with Angelo navigating through the darkest moments of his investigation into the No Angels Wept murders, an emotionally charged journey that tests his resolve, relationships, and understanding of justice. The narrative builds towards a pivotal moment where Angelo, alongside his boyfriend Jason and the enigmatic Wes, uncovers the twisted motivations behind the serial killings targeting young gay men in Los Angeles.

In these final chapters, the plot thickens as Angelo confronts the reality of the murders, the societal prejudices that fueled them, and the personal costs of his involvement. The climax unfolds with Angelo realizing the depth of the conspiracy and the identity of those involved, leading to confrontations that are both physical and psychological. These moments are interspersed with deeply personal interactions between Angelo and Jason, highlighting the strain and strength of their relationship amid the chaos.

The resolution of the plot, while providing answers, also leaves the reader with contemplations on the themes of redemption, the impact of past traumas, and the complexities of fighting for justice within a flawed system. Angelo's journey through the heart of darkness and back is not just a quest to solve a series of crimes but a profound exploration of love, loss, and the resilience required to face the truth.

The novel's handling of explicit scenes between Angelo and Jason, particularly in the moments leading up to and following the climax, is notable for its sensitivity and depth. These scenes, far from being gratuitous, are rendered with a care that elevates them beyond mere physicality, imbuing the narrative with an emotional richness that underscores the characters' vulnerabilities, desires, and the healing power of intimacy.

"NO ANGELS WEPT" concludes on a note that is both somber and hopeful, with Angelo and Jason emerging from their ordeal more aware of the fragility and preciousness of their bond. The novel's end speaks to the enduring human capacity for love and understanding in the face of unimaginable adversity, leaving a lasting impression on the reader long after the final page is turned.

Cast of Characters:

In addition to Dr. Angelo Perrotta and his boyfriend Jason Murphy, "NO ANGELS WEPT" features a diverse cast of characters with significant roles:

Bobby - Described as an innocent gay boy turned into a deranged architect of a plot involving the murder of Keith Knight to misdirect Rocky Thorn and protect his father's secret relationship. His character adds complexity to the narrative, intertwining personal vendettas with broader societal issues.

Rocky Thorn - A pivotal character whose relationship with Angelo and involvement in the narrative suggest a significant role. Rocky's interactions with Angelo, including discussions about social media trends and personal banter, indicate her close connection to the plot's unfolding and the investigation into the murders.

Wes - Appears to be involved in the media or production side, as indicated by his interactions with Rocky and involvement in discussions about the show and its content. His character seems to play a role in the public dissemination of information about the murders.

Demetre Kostas - The owner of an aesthetic practice called Skindom, who befriends and deceives Angelo. His character represents betrayal and manipulation, adding a layer of personal conflict and intrigue to Angelo's story.

Jarrett - Mentioned in the context of conversion therapy, indicating his involvement in deeper, potentially nefarious activities linked to the overarching themes of identity and manipulation.

Mabel Knight - The mother of a murder victim, adding an emotional and personal dimension to the investigation and the impact of the crimes on families and loved ones.

Frat Bros and Interns - These characters, though not individually named, contribute to the atmosphere and dynamics of the settings Angelo finds himself in, particularly in relation to the media and public perception aspects of the plot.

Seven Spirits Church Members - Involved in dubious activities and possibly linked to the series of murders, their actions and the church's role introduce elements of mystery and suspense concerning the motive and method behind the crimes.

These characters, among others, interact with Angelo and each other in a complex web of relationships and motivations, driving the narrative forward through personal dilemmas, societal issues, and the quest to uncover the truth behind the serial killings.


The narrative of "NO ANGELS WEPT" introduces several plot twists that significantly alter the trajectory of the story and deepen the complexity of its characters and their motivations:

Bobby's Role and Motivations: A major plot twist involves Bobby, initially portrayed as an innocent victim, who is revealed to be a deranged architect of a plot resulting in murder. This twist sheds light on Bobby's complex character, revealing his actions to protect his father's secret relationship, which drastically shifts the perception of his innocence and the nature of his involvement in the broader narrative.

The Research Physician Turned Evangelical Minister: Another significant twist involves a research physician who becomes an evangelical minister, conducting illegal and inhumane experiments on young gay men. This revelation connects disparate elements of the plot, linking the No Angels Wept murders with a wider conspiracy involving abuse and manipulation under the guise of religious and medical authority.

Discovery of Connections and Evidence: Angelo's realization about a photo taken outside a building with three spires, which ties directly to the compound described by a reporter, represents a key moment of revelation. This discovery connects the dots between victims, suspects, and locations, propelling Angelo closer to uncovering the truth behind the murders and the identity of those involved.

Detective Robert Town's Involvement: A suspenseful encounter with Detective Robert Town adds another layer of intrigue. Angelo's recognition of Town's voice outside his home introduces a personal danger to Angelo and hints at deeper layers of corruption and complicity within the investigation.

These twists contribute to the novel's thematic depth, exploring issues of identity, betrayal, and the search for justice. The plot twists not only serve to surprise and engage the reader but also to illuminate the darker aspects of society and the personal battles faced by the characters.

4.75 out of 5 stars

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