Saturday, September 16, 2023

Review: "The Original" by Brandon Sanderson & Mary Robinette Kowal, 2020

The Original The Original by Brandon Sanderson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Review: "The Original" by Brandon Sanderson & Mary Robinette Kowal

In a futuristic landscape filled with clones, emotions, and mysteries, "The Original" delivers an audiobook experience that, while not groundbreaking, keeps the listener engaged until the end. Its tones and shades will immediately draw comparisons to John Scalzi’s audiobook novellas, particularly "Travel by Bullet" and "The Dispatcher". There's something about the narrative structure and thematic depth that echoes Scalzi's style.

The world-building, characters, and plot twists in "The Original" are not earth-shattering by any means, but the ride is enjoyable. Our protagonist, Holly Winseed, finds herself thrust into a complex web of murder, technology, and self-discovery. The world Sanderson and Kowal craft around Holly, one where nanotechnology grants near immortality and where personal privacy is a high price to pay, is intriguing.

Julia Whelan, the narrator, brings Holly to life in a way that's utterly captivating. Her performance is so

impeccable that the accompanying music and sound effects seem almost superfluous. In fact, at times, these audio additions distract from Whelan's delivery, though there were moments where the music crescendoed beautifully, complementing a climactic sequence. The meticulous narration lets listeners "see" through Holly's eyes, even if they can't entirely connect with her emotionally.

While the storyline captures attention, there's an elusive hollowness—perhaps a function of the novella's length—that keeps it from reaching the profound depths one might expect from such a collaboration. The ending, too, leaves listeners in contemplative ambiguity, hinting at more than what’s laid out.

Drawing upon the societal implications of surveillance, identity, and the costs of immortality, the narrative does offer a fresh take on familiar science fiction themes. As other reviewers have pointed out, "The Original" bridges the gap between a character-focused story and one that's plot-driven, adding layers to the audiobook.

"The Original" is worth your listening time. It might not redefine the genre, but it offers an interesting story set against a backdrop of moral complexities and future technologies. And with a narrator as skilled as Julia Whelan, you're in for an auditory treat.

If you found this review helpful, consider diving into the expansive universe of Sanderson, Kowal, and other sci-fi masterminds. Their imaginations promise to transport you to realms both fantastical and eerily familiar.

I rate the book 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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  • #Clones #Nanotech #DystopianWorlds #BookRecommendations #BookTube #BookTock #InstaBook

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