Tuesday, June 19, 2018

"Replay", Ken Grimwood, 1986

"Replay", Ken Grimwood, 1986

The book’s plot is reasonably simple, if fantastic — a 43 year old man dies in the first chapter of a heart attack after a lackluster life. But then he wakes up and he’s age 18 again, just starting college with everything identical to how it had been during his first life. More important, he remembers everything about his life from age 18 to 43 (anyone interested in buying some Apple stock this time around?).
He uses that prior knowledge of his own life as well as his knowledge of history to live his life differently the second time around. But when he gets to be the same age as before, he dies again. He wakes up again … rinse and repeat with a different life strategy each time. But there is one complication he doesn’t notice at first — each time he wakes up after a death, it is a later point in his life. So each life is shorter than the one before. What is going to happen when his replay-date finally catches up to his death-date?
I not only enjoyed the writing style but also the author’s imagination. How many things would you change if you had the opportunity to live your life again? We make decisions, we begin or end or avoid relationships, we commit (or not) to various activities and people, we decide how important money, family and friends are to us. But in the end, the only important resource we really have in our life is time, and the only meaningful decisions we make are how to spend that time in the best way to have a life that is rewarding in our own value system.
Unfortunately Ken Grimwood died at only 59 of (ironically) a heart attack as he was writing the sequel to Replay.

My rating: ★★★ (4 out of 5 stars) - I really liked it.

Characters and story[edit]

Replay is the account of 43-year-old radio journalist Jeff Winston, who dies of a heart attack in 1988 and awakens back in 1963 in his 18-year-old body as a student at Atlanta's Emory University. He then begins to relive his life with intact memories of the next 25 years, until, despite his best efforts at cardiac health, he dies of a heart attack, again, in 1988. He immediately returns to 1963, but several hours later than the last "replay". This happens repeatedly with different events in each cycle, each time beginning from increasingly later dates (first days, then weeks, then years, then ultimately decades). Jeff soon realizes that he cannot prevent his death in 1988, but he can change the events that occur before it, both for him, and for others.
During one subsequent replay, Jeff takes notice of a highly acclaimed film, Starsea, that has become a huge success at the box office in 1974. The film is written and produced by an unknown filmmaker, Pamela Phillips, who has recruited Steven Spielberg to direct and George Lucas, as a special effects supervisor, before the two shot to stardom with their own projects. Because the film did not exist in previous replays, Jeff suspects that Pamela is also experiencing the same phenomenon. He locates her and asks her questions about future films which only a fellow replayer would know, confirming his suspicions.
Pamela and Jeff eventually fall in love and become convinced that they are soulmates. Complications arise when they notice that their replays are getting shorter and shorter, with Pamela not beginning her next replay until well after Jeff. Eventually, the two decide to try to find other replayers by placing cryptic messages in newspapers. The messages, which seem very vague to anyone who is not a replayer, generate a fair amount of dead-end responses until the pair receives a letter from a man who is clearly knowledgeable about future events. Jeff and Pamela decide to visit the stranger, only to discover that he is confined to a psychiatric hospital. Surprisingly, the staff does not pay attention to his discussion on the future, but it soon becomes clear why the man is institutionalized when he calmly states that he thinks aliens are forcing him to murder people for their own entertainment.
In a later replay, the two decide to take their experiences public, giving press conferences announcing future events in explicit detail. The government eventually takes notice and forces Pamela and Jeff to provide continued updates on foreign activities. Although the government denies responsibility, major political events begin to transpire differently, and Jeff attempts to break off the relationship. The government refuses, and the pair are imprisoned and forced to continue providing information.
As future replays become shorter and shorter, the two are left to wonder how things will eventually unfold—whether or not the replays will ultimately end, and the pair will pass into the afterlife—or if the current replay is, in fact, the last. Eventually, the replays become so short, Jeff and Pamela relive their original deaths repeatedly in succession—until Jeff finally has a heart attack which he manages to survive. While he calls Pamela soon afterward, she lets him know that she has also survived, and that their replaying wasn't a dream. While it seems ambiguous whether or not they will meet again, Jeff eagerly awaits entering an unpredictable future with endless possibilities.

Awards and nominations[edit]

Replay won the 1988 World Fantasy Award[2] and was on the shortlist for the 1988 Arthur C. Clarke Award.
The novel has been included in several lists of recommended reading: Modern Fantasy: The Hundred Best Novels (1988), Locus Reader's Poll: Best Science Fiction Novel (1988), Aurel Guillemette's The Best in Science Fiction (1993) and David Pringle's Ultimate Guide to Science Fiction (1995).

Sequel and possible film adaptations[edit]

Ken Grimwood was working on a sequel to Replay when he died from a heart attack in 2003 at the age of 59.[3] In 2010 Warner Bros. reported that it was planning on a film version starring Ben Affleck. The screenplay for this adaptation has been written by Jason Smilovic.[4] In 2011 Robert Zemeckis was in talks to direct,[5] but as of 2017 no movement seems to have been made on the project.

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