Tuesday, May 9, 2017

For We Are Many (Bobiverse #2), Dennis E. Taylor, 2016

For We Are Many (Bobiverse #2), Dennis E. Taylor, 2016

Loved it! Listened to it on audio and cannot recommend it highly enough. Audio is the way to go with this series. Ray Porter narrates it perfectly. He captures the essence of each and every "Bob" and delivers the humor in a perfect manner. The story is fun, funny, exciting and at times, even touching. I love all of the "Bobs" senses of humor. This is not a book to read as a standalone. You definitely need to read book 1 first, but that's not a hardship as that one is fantastic too.

If you like your sci-fi with humor, I highly recommend this series. And I recommend it even more on audio. 


We Are Many by Dennis E. Taylor is the second book in the Bobiverse, the direct sequel to We Are Legion - We Are Bob.
The many copies of Robert Johansson have spread out from Sol, exploring the universe and identifying habitable worlds for humanity. While a number of Bobs work on helping colonize the closest planets, most begin ranging farther and farther, not really interested in hanging around the "ephemerals." It's beginning to make the older generations of Bobs a bit worried.
Meanwhile, the Brazilian probe Medeiros is still out there, fortifying star systems in the name of a dead nation. Worse, the alien "Others" are slowly attacking every star within range, one by one, collecting all its resources—including life. They have declared war on the rest of the universe, and the Bobs have no choice to take up arms. But the Others are technologically and numerically superior, so there is a very good chance that the first interplanetary war could end badly for the entire universe.

This book contains examples of:

  • Blue and Orange Morality: The Others are confused by the idea of cooperation. They will consume everything in their path, and there is nothing anyone can say that will convince them otherwise.
  • Hive Mind: Variant. The Others are individually sentient, but they have no concept of individual worth. They all serve the sub-primes, who serve the Prime, and that's all there is to it.
  • Horde of Alien Locusts: The "Others" have no concept of mercy, peace, or individual worth. As far as they are concerned, everything exists to be consumed in service of the Prime. If there was another Prime, the two hives would war until only one remained. They are stripping every system in range of metal and life to feed their industry and their people. Sol and the other human systems are in range, but the Others don't see the need to attack them ahead of schedule.

My rating: ★★★★★ (5 out of 5 stars) - Wow. I loved it!

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