Wednesday, June 17, 2015

"Torchwood: Mr. Invincible" by Mark Morris, 2012

"Torchwood: Mr. Invincible" by Mark Morris, 2012

Probably better named as "Captain Jack: Mr. Invincible." The usual Torchwood crew seems to be missing in action, with the exception of brief mentions of Rhys, Gwen, and PC Andy (now SGT), in this story.

Jack has a vision of Gwen's death and returns home. Jack pairs up with SGT Andy with the intent of preventing Gwen's portended demise.

Meanwhile, Jack becomes involved with Andy's cases involving various types of unexplained events-- bank robbery thwarted by a seemingly invincible, pockets of time distortions popping up in Cardiff and aging residents rapidly or turning them into boys.

In the end, Jack determined all the cases are linked to each other, deduced the true cause of the manifestations and found a solution to neuter the source.

The story is true to Torchwood and Captain Jack and came across as an episode on the telly.  The short and abrupt ending seemed rushed and the solution wimpy.  With that aside, and taking the short length of this story into account, I think Torchwood fans would find this enjoyable and fun.

My rating: ★★★☆☆ (3 out of 5 stars) - I liked it.

Description from

Ross Chapman is one of life's losers. So when he survives a point-blank shooting, dons a superhero costume and becomes a crime-busting vigilante, something strange is clearly going on.

And Ross's transformation isn't the only odd thing happening in Cardiff. Time is distorting — around the city, some people are aging, dying and decomposing in a matter of minutes, while others are reverting to childhood.

Sgt Andy Davidson knows he's out of his depth — so when Jack Harkness sweeps into the police station, he's glad of the help that only Torchwood can provide. But for Jack, the stakes are higher than ever. He's seen a vision of Gwen, dead, murdered by an unknown gunman. And if he can't solve the mystery of Mr Invincible, he can't save her...

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