Thursday, April 30, 2015

An Unwelcome Quest (Magic 2.0 #3), by Scott Meyer, 2015

An Unwelcome Quest (Magic 2.0 #3), by Scott Meyer, 2015

It's been at least three weeks since I've finished the book, and I'm only now getting the motivation to write a few short notes of my thoughts of it.  I'm not quite sure why but I do know it's given me some time to percolate in my thoughts.

This installment to the series lacks the humor and wittiness its predecessor shined in. In addition, less magic and wizardry in the story made for less material to be subjected to snark and comedy.

Other reviewers have also said that it's not necessary to read the first two books and that this story is fairly self-contained. I can only somewhat agree to that. I agree that the story moved the plot along and can be clearly understood without the help of the previous books. But I also firmly think knowing the back-stories of all the major characters added to the richness and fullness of it all and reading the prior two books gave that background.

So if asked if I would read the next installment in this series were it to become available, my answer would be yes.  I think there is enough magic to go around for another book.

My rating: ★★★☆☆ (3 out of 5 stars) - I liked it.

Book description as described by the author:

Ever since Martin Banks and his fellow computer geeks discovered that reality is just a computer program to be happily hacked, they’ve been jaunting back and forth through time, posing as medieval wizards and having the epic adventures that other nerds can only dream of having. But even in their wildest fantasies, they never expected to end up at the mercy of the former apprentice whom they sent to prison for gross misuse of magic and all-around evil behavior.

Who knew that the vengeful Todd would escape, then conjure a computer game packed with wolves, wenches, wastelands, and assorted harrowing hazards—and trap his hapless former friends inside it? Stripped of their magic powers, the would-be wizards must brave terrifying dangers, technical glitches, and one another’s company if they want to see Medieval England—and their favorite sci-fi movies on VHS—ever again. Can our heroes survive this magical mystery torture? Or will it only lead them and their pointy hats into more peril?

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